Thursday, July 11, 2019

Scholfield Family from Yorkshire, England

President Madison's Inaugural Suit
Broadcloth made from Wool

Ingenious and Able Mechanics

While visiting with my maternal grandmother when she lived with my parents, I took out the family Bible and went over some of the clippings that were carefully put in the pages and asked her who put them there and why. This was one that I have scanned and lightened up. There is no source of the newspaper and I have been searching for that for years. (It would have been nice if the heading wasn't cut off.) Grandmother told me that Schofields were smart and prosperous. She told me they sewed tools in their clothes and memorized the directions for the machinery they needed to make.

John Scholfield (1789-1869) was my 5th great grandfather. His wife was Hannah Fox.

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