Sunday, April 22, 2018

Happy Blogiversary to Me

Photo of cake by Midge Frazel
Writing blog posts is hard work. I started this blog in 2015 after returning from a conference with the thought that I needed to separate my genealogy research from the cemetery research. I enjoy doing this blog as much as I do writing about gravestones. 

This winter and spring, I have been transcribing and analyzing obituaries and funeral notices of as many of my ancestors that I can locate. They fit in well with the gravestone blog so that is where I have put them. 

Everyone seems mesmerized by DNA. It doesn't seem that despite the best effort of those who do fine work in DNA research, people are not getting that they must do research on their ancestors. I am getting a lot of questions about my ancestors who may or may not have lived in other countries. 

I refer them to my tree at Ancestry to see if they have a match to me. (

Right now, I am writing a family history book for my descendants about my family.  I find I am enjoying doing that and blogging is taking a "back seat" to that work.

I am impressed with my fellow bloggers who continue to put out well-documents, interesting and important blog posts. As I no longer travel or go to conferences by choice, my free time is spent doing things I love to do.